COMERINT (NIGERIA) LIMITED (also named COMERINT) is the leading and independent company for wide range of services for Oil, Gas and power plants.

Company has 40 years of experiences where has accumulated a strong know-how to provide services for various clients, both IOCs and NOCs.

The services range from specific consultancy and technical assistance services to the implementation of entirely integrated projects with our full QHSE commitment.
COMERINTstructural features which, thanks to process deep knowledge, enable our engineers to offer support services tailored to our customer requirements, covering both technical and management areas:

1)      Process & Production Engineering
2)      Training & Know-How Transfer
3)      Commissioning & Start-up
4)      Technical Assistance On Site
5)      Multidisciplinary Design Engineering
6)      Project Management Consultant Services (PMCs)
7)      Engineering Procurement Installation &Commissioning
8)      Maintenance Eng.& Asset Integrity (warehouse management, spare part procurement, …)
9)      Quality & HSE
10)   Non Destructive Test